Tuesday, December 20, 2016


It's 5:10am and the sun has already begun to rise. It's a beautiful, quiet morning. I had a wonderful meeting with my local executive board of directors last night. We worked through all the fine logistical details that a project of this size requires, and our vision has been cast. I'm THRILLED with our progress thus far. Today, my ministry work begins in earnest. I get to put on my "big girl missionary pants," gather all my supplies, meet my interpreter, and hire a taxi to take us out into the bush where I'll be living for the next 6-7 days. I'm going to be teaching sewing classes to some of the women, delivering supplies to the local clinic (I finally get to see Mable Phiri again), meeting with prospective members of the local community committee that is going to help organize the farming co-op, meeting with the drilling company that will dig the bore hole, teaching about composting and getting our precious seeds in the ground before the rains come, and establishing a good compost system. It will be a full week, and I covet your prayers. 

This is such an incredible moment in the life of Sisterhood Of Servants. The building foundation for our new vocational school has been prepared, and building materials for the final structure will be ordered this week. Isn't this exciting! This project has been three years in the planning, but God has supplied our needs through the generosity of his people. Thank you to everyone that has sacrificed their treasure to make this possible. You are part of life change for an entire village. 

Thank you for your interest in this ministry. You are a blessing to me. My internet access will be spotty after today, but I plan to take as many pictures and videos as I can and will present the entire work in one fell swoop when I get back to town on Sunday. Blessings to each of you! 

ZSOS - Breaking Ground in the Village - video

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