Tuesday, December 20, 2016

ZAMBIA CHRONICLES DAY 5 - Setting up the tent/Walking to the Clinic

Tuesday –
The men and women of the committee reported early for work at 8 hours (8 o’clock) I assigned each of them the task of cutting down 20 fence poles, 5 ft tall. We would use these poles for trellises for the crops and as a hedge row to keep the cattle and goats out of the garden. While they were busy with this task, Pastor Jere and I set up the Coleman tent I had shipped months before. The tent served as a central meeting place and would be occupied every night by two men from the committee. They were charged with the task of guarding all of our building supplies. I felt so proud of myself for getting that tent put together. Imagine my dismay when at the end of the whole process, Pastor Jere and I ended up with 2 “extra” parts. Oh well, some things never change despite how closely you think you’re following directions. ;-)
After putting the tent together, Doreen and I walked a mile and a half to Chinunda Health Clinic. The sun was oppressively hot today, and I wished I had packed shoes with better soles. The roads are littered with small stones, and I seemed to step on every one of them. I was so anxious to see my friend Mabel Phiri who has been working at the clinic as a nurse for more than a decade. I hadn’t seen her since my last visit in 2014, but I keep her picture near my computer monitor at home. We’ve had some great one-sided conversations the last two years. She’s a wonderful listener. I knew our reunion would be sweet. I tried to hold them back, but my tears flowed freely as I caught a glimpse of Mabel. She was busy with patients, but broke away to greet us. I asked her if she remembered me. She said "yes", and we laughed and embraced for a long time. She seemed almost shocked that I had returned to the village and was most appreciative of all the supplies I had brought. She especially loved the hand crocheted baby hats that had been made by a friend of mine in the States. I was thrilled to hear the news that the Lord had answered prayer and Mabel had received some additional staff assistance. Three other nurses had been hired at the clinic – Sharon, Ketty, and Edwin. The four of them make a wonderful team, and I could immediately observe the great rapport they had with each other. Many improvements have been made at the clinic that is having a direct impact on the physical well-being of the women. Praise the Lord!

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Mabel Phiri - the Florence Nightingale of Chinunda Clinic
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Lots of healthy babies being born at the clinic.

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We got to the end of the set up process, and I had 2 extra parts left over. How does that happen?!

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