Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Tuesday Market is an outdoor vendor bazaar where all of the local residents do their weekly shopping. Most everything one could think of was available for purchase. Doreen, Zulu Kennedy (the foreman of the farming committee), and I walked to the market in search of torches (flashlights), batteries, and guns! Members of the committee had been given the task of guarding the building materials for our vocational school. At our first meeting last night, the men told me they needed guns to guard everything. My eyes widened, my jaw dropped, and I came off my seat for a minute. They all laughed at my shocked expression – no English interpretation was required! Apparently I lost something in the translation. Guns are really catapults, and catapults are really just old fashioned, homemade sling shots. A lot of the boys around town have them. What a relief!
While walking through the market I came upon the booth of a lovely woman that was selling fresh cabbage heads, dried beans, and fried caterpillars! Yes – fried caterpillars. She begged me to buy a few. I responded with an enthusiastic NO! I’m ready to assimilate into village life, but I’m not THAT ready. I opted to just take her picture instead. Doreen seemed to know everyone in the market. She introduced me to friends and distant relatives as we walked along. We were almost finished shopping when she received a text message that the drilling company would be arriving on site at about 12 noon to install the bore hole well pump. What Joy! The three of us quickened our steps and headed back to the village. Doreen kept marveling at the way events were taking shape. She kept saying, “Things are really happening. Yesterday we were just theorizing about our activities, and today they are actually happening.” All I could say is “Yes, God is amazing!”

Image may contain: one or more people, cloud, sky, tree, outdoor and nature
TUESDAY MARKET - a half mile of everything you can think of to buy to make life in the bush more pleasant
Image may contain: food
pictured left to right: fried catepillars, dried beans, and fresh cabbage. In other words: NO, yes, and yes.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, tree, sky and outdoor
A Tuesday market vendor selling veggies and "other" interesting things to eat. 

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