Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 5 - Face to Face with Chief Mnukwa

Friday morning arrived much too soon because I hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep.  Nonetheless, I was looking forward to the events planned for the day:  I would have my formal introduction meeting with Chief Mnukwa, and I was nervous as a cat!  I had been anticipating this meeting for more than 8 months.  In August 2013, I received correspondence from the Chief indicating his willingness to work with S.O.S. in developing land for the Malongwe Village Education and Vocation Initiative (MVEVI).  Even though the Chief had given his permission to implement all the components of the MVEVI, cultural protocol required that I introduce myself to him formally as the representative of S.O.S. and share my vision for our work in Zambia. 

It is customary to bring a thank you gift to the Chief when he grants a meeting at his palace.  Before driving out to the bush, Kevin, Dan and I drove to the Down Shops to purchase the gift.   I would be presenting the Chief with rice, sugar, cooking oil, and washing powder.  Yes, I thought it was an unusual offering, too, but when in Rome… ☺  The total cost of all the items was 405 kwacha (about $80 American dollars).  I prayed the Chief would be pleased with the gift. 

We picked up Doreen and Robert Zulu on the way to the Chief’s compound.  Once we arrived I was really surprised to see an enormous cell phone tower that had been erected on the property.  I chuckled inside and thought about how modern convenience was making its way to the Bush.  Surely, electricity and indoor plumbing were just around the corner!   

Our entire group: Kevin, Doreen, Robert, Dan, me, the chief's wife & Chief Mnukwa

Before the meeting began, Robert gave me some counsel on the topics I should and should not mention.  He told me just to share my heart and overall vision with the Chief, steering clear of the specifics and minute details of our plans.  We walked a short distance from where the truck was parked to an enormous tree.   I was told that this was the ceremonial gathering place for residents of Mnukwa Chiefdom when they wished to address the Chief and seek his counsel for answers to their troubles.  I looked off into the distance and there were at least a dozen villagers that were sitting and waiting for an opportunity to do just that.   The whole scene reminded me of an open air throne room, and I thought about the children of Israel seeking an audience before Moses when they needed his counsel.    Chief Mnukwa and his entourage of advisors arrived.   There were two chairs placed beneath the tree for the Chief and me to occupy, and there were several others chairs and reed mats placed around the tree for the advisors, Dan, Robert, Kevin, Doreen and the Chief’s wife.  All eyes were on me, and I was given the floor to speak.   
Sharing the vision of S.O.S. and my burden for Zambia

Only the Lord himself knows just how nervous I was.  I wish I could write that I had the confidence of the Apostle Paul when he stood before King Agrippa and shared his testimony of life change through the grace of God.  That kind of confidence escaped me, and I felt like I was speaking with gravel in my mouth.  However, I know that the Lord was guiding my words.  I shared just a brief part of my salvation testimony and how I had come to be interested in Zambia (you can read my bio here).  I shared with him how our organization had grown, and the desire that we had minister to our brothers and sisters in Malongwe Village through the MVEVI program.  After I finished speaking, Chief Mnukwa was so gracious in his comments and said the conversation was very inspiring.  I was overwhelmed!  That sounds like a boast, but I was humbled.  I praise the Lord for His favor and the positive response we received! The Chief then addressed our entire group and gave us a brief lesson on Zambian history and a ‘state of union’ address about economic conditions in Mnukwa Chiefdom and the vision he had to improve the lives of his people.   I didn’t realize the Chiefdom was so large.  It is made up of 30 villages with more than 20,000 residents.  The plans we hoped to implement centered around Malongwe Village, where Big Tree Baptist Church is located.  Chief Mnukwa had a much larger vision in mind for the entire chiefdom.  He invited us to be part of that overall vision and took our group on a short tour to see some of the projects already in place near the palace compound.  

Resource Center Building
Land surrounding the Center
Water is already available

This building shown above is located near Mnukwa palace and is a Resource Center for the community. It was built in 2011 by a non-profit group from England for the purpose of providing the youth of Mnukwa Chiefdom with vocational training in marketable agricultural practices. It comes equipped with 3 large classrooms that are powered with solar electricity, the foundational structure for 4 staff houses, a bore hole for water, and plenty of arable land. It is a GORGEOUS piece of property.  After we’d finished the tour, the Chief announced that if we, Sisterhood Of Servants, had the vision and could develop a program to utilize the facility to better the lives of the people of Mnukwa Chiefdom we could take possession of the building and all its resources.  I almost fainted on the spot!  We've many questions that have yet to be answered concerning this property, but the potential is incredible.  Our group was invited back to the palace for just a few minutes.  I assumed we had more official village business to discuss, but the Chief had a special surprise waiting for us.

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